Block 10 event in Tokyo

@shinichiro.matsuo @ts1433
there is Block 9 tag and group, but I don’t see Block 10 similar group.
Do I miss something?

Are you talking about the telegram group?
I have not joined it yet and not sure if it already exists…

yes, it exists

@ChloeWhiteAus @Mitchell
Do you have a telegram group for Block#10? Would be great if you can invite us

No, only for DTWG

Would anyone join for a boat ride in Tokyo bay and rivers on Saturday, 2nd? They will start accepting reservation for the day from 21:00JST on 31st January.


Saturday 2nd of which month?

What about Saturday 2nd of March, a day prior to the Day 1 of Block #10?

I tentatively booked a small boat so that we could go through underneath historical bridges over canal (though they call it ‘river’) that flows central Tokyo including the places nearby Bank of Japan. The maximum capacity for that type is six, hence I would say five to be comfortable with. Currently I have Joseph, Mitchell, Lulu and myself. One more seat is available.

Hi @KenKatayama
sounds like an excellent idea.
I would like to join but what time does it depart?
My flight arrives to Haneda airport 17.55 on Saturday itself so unless it is late in the evening I might come too late for the trip

It is a daytime trip, unfortunatelly.

  • I plan to pick up guests early in the morning (e.g. 8:00 - 8:30am) with my car.

May I re-confirm that four of us: Joseph, Mitchell, Lulu and myself will join the boat tour during the day on Saturday 2nd March?

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