Bi-weekly Call(2PM GMT, September 27th, 2023)

Here is the link for agenda: DTWG Meeting Agenda(2023-09-27) - Google Docs

Feel free to add any topic to discuss in the meeting.

Meeting link: Launch Meeting - Zoom


The agenda for today’s call will be:

  • briefing of the call with the Fed Reserve to discuss the stablecoin paper
  • planning of the activities for the remainder of the year

See you soon

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Thank you! I have added them to google docs!

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Lulu, the meeting was supposed to start at 2 pm UK time so we mixed up the time.
I won’t be able to join the meeting at 3 pm.
Are you online to correct the invite now and to open the meeting?

Sorry for the confusion I used google calendar to set the time difference and the calculation was wrong.

@shinichiro.matsuo I wasn’t able log in as a host so is it possible to join the meeting? Sorry for the confusion.

@leonmol @shinichiro.matsuo @0xvon I have changed the link for today since I could not log in as a host. I have sent this to the google calendar, but I am not sure how many people could join…

It is too late. We need to reschedule.

  1. Use “UTC” to avoid any time-zone confusion,
  2. Give Lulu, the date/time of the next call. She will set up the Zoom call.
  3. For usual meeting management, Lulu will send out following annoucemnet.
  • After the bi-weekly call: Announcement of the date/time of the next call : to Discourse, SNS. Meeting note is provided to discourse
  • Three days before tha call: The annoucemnet of the call (with Agenda) : to Discourse and SNS. The Zoom link is not provided to SNS. Chairs need to provide the meeting agenda to Lulu three days before tha call.

A subscription link to the calandar invite will be provided by Lulu.

we are in the call right now

@leonmol I think it is not realistic to hold the call today.
At the same time, we need to fix the program of the day 2 of BLOCK9 asap. I will make the “Block9 Program” topic to discuss it.

We need to invite existing DTWG members to this discourse platform. Could you work with Lulu to do it?

@luluito @Mitchell @JoeyNB_COS

There are two ways to invite people.

  1. You could send all the members this link: BGIN Discourse Onboarding Guide - Google Docs
  2. You could send me their email address and I will send them the invitation

we have just had the meeting. naturally, many people were not there.
I apologize that the meeting time was mixed up. Let’s fix it at 2 pm UK time (it is currently 2 pm BST)

at the same time, it would be good to sort out host access to the zoom account in case Lulu can’t make it one day

@luluito do you have access to the original email list of group members?

I thought today’s call should be very important. I didn’t want to miss it. There are two urgent tasks to do NOW.

  1. Transition to DIscourse:
    @leonmol Could you work with Lulu to get existing DTWG members to Discourse by the end of this week?

2, The program of Day2
@JoeyNB_COS and @Mitchell need the updated list of program now for marketing. Could all DTWG members to confirm the program and invited discussant asap?

I haven’t got the list yet.