【Block#10 Call for Contribution】The Role of DAOs in the modern world (Day2)

We are looking for Main Discussants for Block#10! In the next BGIN event, we are (partially) opening up Main Discussant positions to anybody willing to share and discuss ‘The Role of DAOs in the modern world’ based on research papers, white papers, and reports that have been published or new ideas/suggestions from you! Please feel free to share your ideas and suggestions below. We are looking forward to your contribution!!

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I’ve written a “DAO for nation” analysis paper and book a few years ago.

There would be many implications which is worth sharing and can be applicable to nation-states’ or municipalities’ autonomy DAOs such as Liberland parachain or CityDAO.

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Hello @shogochiai
Very good points indeed.
Actually, we were thinking about presenting Liberland at the event, but regardless country DAOs or Region DAOs or City DAOs is an interesting topics to discuss.
Do you plan to attend Block 10?
Let’s debate such things!

@ChloeWhiteAus @shinichiro.matsuo @ts1433

As my daughter is expected to be born around March 11 (possibly earlier), I would like to participate in the event from my home. Additionally, I may need to cancel my talk if my wife goes into labor precisely during my scheduled slot. If these conditions pose any inconvenience to the community and the event, I am willing to attend the next Block instead.

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Ah, congratulations on this big event, @shogochiai
This is more important but stay tuned in case you still have time to join the event.

Liberland Dollar Now on Exchanges!
Liberland Dollar is officially live on the exchanges

Dear Leon,

The token fueling the Liberland Ecosystem is finally traded on the first exchange - Coinstore.com . This token is not only the medium of exchange in the Liberland community of over 730,000 supporters but also a token securing the Liberland network.

You can simply stake it to nominate your validator and earn a passive yield.

Other centralized and decentralized exchanges will follow suit; Emirex is set to list LLDs on the 23rd of February, with larger ones to follow within a month’s timeframe. Uniswap and Polkaswap are also nearing readiness.

The wallets we recommend are:

Edge Wallet



Likely 1~2 days until ETA because we got a show (blood sign). I skip this time sorry.

Really fascinating presentation on comparing DAOs to LLCs. Great discussion. I’m curious how DAO communities feel about the idea of being treated as corporations (either mandated or in an opt-in manner), as well as if there is a corollary on having accountable persons (not complete anonymity, at least not for everyone) to give regulators comfort that will be ways of ensuring responsibility for those responsible for governance of high-value, high-risk systems? I’m trying to think about what the incentive (other than just that the ability to scale enough to stop DAOs may be limited) is for regulators to permit a policy framework that prevents lines of accountability being identified and just provides liability protection to industry - what is the balance for the regulators? Could they play a role (with certain, potentially limited, oversight or authorities)? What could accountability look like (for prudential, AML, or tax regulatory purposes, consumer protection, or law enforcement) via DAOs if all members are anonymized?

Wyoming has extended its legal framework for DAOs even further, setting up a new nonprofit status.

Coindesk: https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2024/03/08/wyoming-grants-daos-new-legal-structure/

State of Wyoming: https://www.wyoleg.gov/2024/Introduced/SF0050.pdf