IKP Working Group Call Block 10.1

Looking forward to IKP Working group meeting tomorrow:


New Members Introduction
@ts1433 - Introducing Layer 2 Governance Paper
Launching IKP Telegram group for more ad hoc updates and communications
Relaunching the working group call/calendar invite (to invite previous members to a new format and reinvigorate based on engagement)
Updates from any existing work items
Update the website agenda doc link to make it easier to find IKP
Updates on Local BGIN Meetups

Introducing governance into the working group? - Governance, Identity, Key Management and Privacy Working ?

See you at 11 am UTC!

Just to let you know, I am currently on summer vacation and will not be able to attend today’s meeting.

Thanks. I am at the European Identity Conference and will not be able to join the call, unfortunately.

I have written section 7.3 of the white paper. If I have time today, I would be happy to briefly explain the purpose and what I have written. For detailed feedback, I would appreciate if you could leave comments or make corrections directly in the Google document.


Working Group Telegram Channel Announcement!


IKP WG Call 10.8

Great to speak with you today!

  1. Intro Chat: MICA and Cybersecurity

  2. Collaboration with RnDAO - Identity and reputation month. Let me know if joining this organisation’s call at the end of the month with fellow identity and reputation experts interests anyone in the group - I’ve shared our research papers which are being included in their research database.

  3. @shiv would like to do a collaboration on his PoW podcast with BGIN IKP on the papers / work (looking at the wallet governance paper)

  4. Wallet Governance Paper
    Wallet Risk assessment, attached to the use case
    Referencing the historical evidence of failures in wallets earlier in the paper.
    Feedback on the Wallet Governance Section of the paper - get more methodology to the scoring system for Pivacy/Secuirty/Ease of Use @saki-otsuki
    Feedback on the inclusion of confidential compute/decentralised storage into this paper as a risk mitigation tool for wallet governance. (to be combined with smart wallet and VC/DID technologies.

  5. Layer 2 Governance / Technology Research by @ts1433 - update on the research and understanding of trade-offs, inclusion of MEGAETH L2 research. Introduction of L2 Financial risks.
    Looking for feedback on Restaking (eigenlayer) and other L2 / liquid staking/ restaking.
    Preparation to share this research in 3 months (L2 meetup in SF)

  6. Blockchain Analytics paper will hopefully be addressed next working group call.

See you all next fortnight the 18th 11am UTC!

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BGIN IKP WG 10.9 meeting summary!

Thank you all for the participation today, some really interesting topics, relevant and in real-time have been explored.

Illicit Finance News

  • Factual ID data compromised due to centralised data storage vulnerability. Moving towards incremental decentralised storage and improved data protection practices. Incident details. -
  • WazirX Hack - Major Indian exchange hacked, // looks like a vulnerability in the EOA rather than coercion.
  • Taiwan Regulation: Taiwan mandates AML registration for crypto firms to enhance anti-money laundering efforts. More details.

Cybersecurity Topic

  • Synchronization & Incident Response: Emphasis on aligning cybersecurity information sharing in the US with organizations like NIST, MITRE, and ISACs. BGIN’s role in developing standard practices for responsible disclosure and creating CVE codes for crypto vulnerabilities.
  • Decentralised Custody: Update on decentralized custody document, enhancing data sharing systems and governance.
  • Global Layer One & Project Agora: Contribution to central bank discussions on global distributed ledgers and comparisons with other networks.

Wallet Governance

  • Biometric Bound ID Storage: Exploration of using wallets as governance, finance tools, or identity verification through biometrics.
  • Paper Presentation: Discussion on the Wallet Governance Paper and its implications.
    • Update for the next working group call - Wallets for Identity
    • Account Recovery

Block 11 and Layer 2 Meetup Announcement:

  • Layer 2 in Tokyo: BGIN
  • Block 11:
    • Throughout the WG call today we discussed the more important and pertinent topics to explore for the IKP in Block 11
      • Wallet Governance
      • Illicit Finance
      • Cybersecurity (sub categories)
        • Incident response
        • Data sharing methods and organisations

See you all again in two weeks, fantastic discussion today!


IKP WG 10.10

Meeting Summary

RnDAO Panel on Digital Identity

Ecosystem Map

Holonym Article: The Current Cipher | Proof of Clean Hands: Introduction

Onchain Presence as an expectation vs Opsec trade-off

Wallet Governance Paper Update

  • Questions on the scoring system
  • Should we build a table?
  • Create a methodology or drop the scoring systems

Illicit Finance Work Discussion

Finalising the current documentation:

Accountable wallets


Block 11 meeting

  • Cybersecurity sessions
  • Wallet Sessions
  • Illicit Finance and Transaction monitoring sessions

Private AI as the catalyst for standardisation for data

Mitchell current research track:

Cross over between identity, privacy and key management with the implementation of open AI models and private data networks.

  1. Personal AI agents will need to have key management to make payments

  2. Personal AI will need identity data in order to tailor the LLM

  3. Personal AI will need privacy preserving data enclaves, else it loses its data over time.

See you next meeting on the 15th August

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Thank you!

IKP WG Meeting 10.11

Discussion on Layer 2 Meetup & Documents for presentation

Tokyo Bitcoin meetup - https://lu.ma/ek33ayxg?tk=ji384Y

  • Wallet Governance

    • Accountable Wallet - 35 mins (15 mins presentation)
      • Remote (Masato Yamanaka)
      • Upload the document to BGIN WG website
    • Biometric + Wallet - 35 mins (15 mins presentation)
      • In-person (Saki)
    • 20 minutes for new discussion/update on the existing works.
  • Cyber security and incident response

    • BGIN’s role in building alignment for industry cyber security information sharing
    • specific incidents or problems
    • Blockchain industry educational response
    • 30/40 mins on the framework
      • Japan framework (20 mins)
        • explain the current status of information security and sharing schemes.
    • Resulting Document
    • Update the previous papers
      • Use these as reference points
      • Table of contents on potential standards
  • Layer Two meetup in SF

    • Discover and reach out to those interested in sharing insight in
      • Liquid security
      • Restaking
      • Layer 2 governance
      • Incident response
    • Any group members who have connections in SF who would benefit from participation in the Layer Two meetup workshop sessions planned to co-host with ETHGlobal in October?


August 29th 2024

  1. Layer 2 Governance and Security Research Update from @ts1433
  2. Accountable Wallets from @masato
  3. Biometric and Wallet Governance update @saki-otsuki

IKP WG Meeting 10.12

August 29 2024

TG Founder Address

  • Difference between technology risk and company (organisational) risk exposures on the market
    • Arrest is to do with the organisation not the technology
  • Explore the relationship between TON and TG

Wallet Governance - Mitchell

BGIN_WD_SR00**_ Wallet Governance and Policy Study Report

  • Suggestions for updated sections
    • Lifecycle of Wallets*
    • Cybersecurity challenges for wallets
    • Wallets creating the cryptographic security systems
    • Product based innovations in wallets can create cybersecurity challenges
    • List of wallets ?
    • Standards for cryptographic security in wallets - priortising among the use cases - commentary on the convergence - requiring best practices.
  • Build a presentation for the wallet governance document and distribute it to the attendees prior to the event.
    • For all papers.

Trust Points of L2 Technology - Takaya

  • Focus on ETH, for governance issues. In discussions with dev community.
  • Minimise central points of failure by building multiple L2 solutions.
    • Does diversity distribute risk or make risk systemic?
  • What are the solutions
    • is regulation necessary
    • are the tech solutions to solving them?
  • Sharing it with business operators and regulators
    • educational resource
    • touch point with the Eth community
  • Who plays the role and what proof they will use?
    • Fraud
  • Data Storage Solutions
    • EIP4844 - put transaction data offchain
      • blobs
  • Data Availability Layer
    • making the system more complex as an additional role is required
  • Centralisation of sequencers
  • Corn launch
    • Bitcoin L2

L2 Meetup in Tokyo // Bitcoin community

  • Business operators
  • Regulatory uncertainty
    • Bridge this understanding
  • Many BTC l2 Networks

Block 11 Suggestion

  • Legal Case in Japan analysis / Coincheck - Supreme Court
    • Hack - the attacker is not yet identified
    • Darkmarket sale of coins
      • Stealing?
      • Discount purchase of coins the proceeds of crime ?
      • ‘true ownership’ of private key is a new term
      • for ownership of coins vs private key

Next WG call we will discuss the Accountable Wallet Updates


Is there no call today?

Our next working group call will be on the 10th of October and this will be the final meeting prior to Block 11 in DC.

The plan for our next meeting will be to;

  1. Finalise our workshop session participants and topics
  2. share and review and presentation content
  3. news / logistics and goals related conversations for the working group
  4. BGIN election updates and news
  5. Working Papers, any updates

Workshop 1 [Room A]

Regulatory Uncertainty Around New Crypto-related Businesses

In this session, we will broadly discuss the global trends in crypto politics and regulatory developments, as well as issues that have yet to be addressed or discussed, such as DeFi regulation, AML/CFT measures in DeFi, cybersecurity, and unfair trading practices. In addition, BGIN, which aims to foster multi-stakeholder discussions, plans to host Layer2 Meetups in September and October before Block 11. These meetups will provide opportunities to exchange opinions on BGIN’s projects with the Bitcoin and Ethereum communities. During these events, we will gather input on the regulatory uncertainties they face when starting new businesses. In this session, we will discuss the future direction of regulations.

Workshop 2 [Room A]
Japanese Crypto Regulation and Lessons from the FTX Collapse

The Japan Financial Services Agency (FSA) will conduct a presentation on Japan’s crypto asset-related regulations, mainly focusing on stablecoin legislation and the measures taken following the FTX collapse. This presentation will be followed by a Q&A session and an open discussion.

Workshop 3 [Room A]
The Mutual Impact and Improved Outcomes of Blockchain & AI as Synergistic Technologies

The convergence of blockchain and AI offers groundbreaking potential. Whether leveraging blockchain to solve AI’s data management challenges or harnessing AI to tackle governance issues in blockchain, the synergies between these technologies are being hotly debated. This discussion will take a futuristic lens, weighing both the positive and negative aspects of these synergistic applications, drawing from real-world use cases. The conversation will be grounded in research conducted in the BGIN Financial Application & Social Economics Working Group.

Tokenization Initiatives / Harmonisation of different tokens

The analysis will introduce and discuss projects on CBDCs and tokenization, including the tokenization of securities initiated by central banks, regulatory authorities, and financial institutions worldwide. Another key focus will be the contestability of different forms of “money,” the concept of monetary singularity, and the two-tier model in a blockchain-enabled future financial system.

Workshop 4 [Room A]
Continuing the Conversation: Advanced Topics in RegTech for Digital Assets
Description: In this session, we will provide a summary of the discussions that took place at the RegTech Forum hosted by Blockchain APAC and Incite Consulting, scheduled to be held from October 15th to 17th, 2024, in London, UK. The discussion topics included regulatory and legal frameworks for digital assets, risk management strategies for decentralized financial systems, innovative approaches to KYC/AML/CFT, evolving custody solutions for institutional adoption of digital assets, etc. Based on the discussions held at the forum, we will delve deeper into the topics that were left unexplored.

Workshop 1 [Room A]
Cybersecurity Information Sharing Alignment in the Crypto Industry

Despite significant advancements, cybersecurity incidents remain prevalent in the crypto industry. Just as in other sectors, achieving industry-wide alignment on cybersecurity information sharing is crucial. This discussion will explore how the crypto industry can establish a robust international information-sharing framework, drawing lessons from traditional finance and other industries.

Cybersecurity Incident Response in the Crypto Industry

Learning from incidents that occurred over the last few years, the current status of the incident response capability of players in decentralized finance, and existing frameworks for traditional incident response, we will discuss what is needed for effective incident response (policy, operational, and technological needs and challenges.) We will also aim to update our papers, “Incident Response of Decentralized Cutody; A Case Study” and “Study Report for Ransomeware Reaction.”

Taxonomy of Illicit Activities / On-Chain Analysis

Addressing AML/CFT and combatting illicit activities in the crypto space is a top priority. While technologists advocate for embedding solutions within the tech itself—without sacrificing “privacy”—regulators push for compliance with international standards and the use of on-chain analysis. This discussion aims to build a shared understanding among stakeholders of what constitutes illicit activities while examining the challenges of on-chain analysis as a countermeasure.

Workshop 3 [Room A]
Wallet Governance and Credential Management (including Accountable Wallet)

In this session, we will discuss (1) the approaches to authentication processes that support the reliability and functionality of credentials, (2) key management methods that prioritize privacy and security, and (3) governance models that harmonize diverse legal, technical, and operational frameworks across different jurisdictions and sectors in order to build a secure, highly interoperable, and universally accessible digital wallet ecosystem. We will also discuss and the “Wallet Governance and Policy Study Report.” currently in development, and the “Accountable Wallet” as a method to prove one’s legitimacy using verifiable credentials.

Zero Knowledge Proof and its Application / Privacy vs Discoverability

Drawing from the Zero Knowledge Proof and its Application paper being developed at BGIN Identity, Key, Privacy Management and Governance Working Group, this discussion will explore the critical question: What are the technologies, architectures, and policies that can shape or enable the desired future state of privacy in digital currencies? We’ll consider potential tech and architecture solutions like ZKP that can balance privacy with features like monitoring and discuss the concrete steps or best practices for governments and industries to implement calibrated privacy in digital currencies and Web3.

Workshop 4 [Room A]
Internet Governance and Blockchain Governance

In this session, we will discuss how BGIN can contribute to forming better blockchain governance, drawing lessons from internet governance. The internet, which began as an experiment with ARPANET, has seen grassroots activities by communities such as the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) and ICANN to standardize inter-network connectivity and establish governance frameworks. Considering that blockchain has different characteristics compared to the internet, such as stronger connections with finance and the relative ease of monetization. In light of these differences, the discussion will focus on how BGIN aims to form governance for blockchain.

Governance of Layer 2 Scaling Solution

As “Layer 2” scaling solutions emerge to address the scalability and cost-efficiency challenges of “Layer 1” blockchains, they could bring new governance and security challenges, as described in “Blockchain Trilemma.” The ongoing research at BGIN Identity, Key, Privacy Management, and Governance Working Group objectively analyzes the trust points that can be created by “Layer2.” Based on the research, this discussion will engage business operators, regulators, and technical experts to explore how to solve the security and governance challenges.

Mitchell wrote that the next call will be on Oct 10th.
Talk with you then.

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