IKP Working Group Call Block 10.1

Hi, Identity Key Management and Privacy Working Group participants,

We have started a new agenda document I’d like to share with the group.

I suggest we consolidate the existing agenda document.

In the next WG call we will discuss;
the new work items;

  • Illicit finance
  • Biometrics
    existing work items
  • accountable wallet
  • zkp

Block 10 Reflections

Future Calls


See you all soon


Hi all,

For IKP WG Call 10.2

The agenda doc is still here: IKP-WG Meeting Agenda (2024-03-14) - Google Docs

Today I will be sharing all of the meeting reports from Block 10,

We will also confirm the work items we’d like to focus on and schedule them (pencil) into the calendar for the next three months.

Illicit Finance working items is being moved to this group - this will also be discussed today.

See you all in 1 hour.

Dear all,
This is Warashina from NEC (Japan).
We are very sorry that we missed the recent WG because we forgot the summer time for AEST. We will attend the next meeting.


No problem - our next meeting is on the 11th April and will have a focus on Illicit finance work items.

The following (april 25th) we can have a working group focus and update on the biometric wallet credentials work if that suits you?

April 25th would be fine for the meeting. Thank you for arranging.

The regular meeting time will be changed from the next call, right?
Is it correct that it starts at 9 PM in Tokyo?

It will be at 11 am UTC on Thursday the 25th -

This is 8pm Japan time I believe

Thank you!

Looking forward.

Ok I will join this upcoming Thursday.

I share the slides from the last meeting. There is a script on each slide for reference.
I have titled the table on p.3 as it was difficult to understand. Thanks for pointing this out.
I’ll be happy to talk about biometric wallets another time.


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Wallet Governance Updated Work Item:

I’ve updated the permissions to you can edit with the link. I suggest we make an updated link using the Template that Nat-san has provided.

I’m happy this document has been re-visted in the working group and see good path for the information we study and produce to have value for industry.

@saki-otsuki thank you for attaching the presentation, we can continue the biometric conversation in the paper as a technology medium for wallet services to perform verifications, etc.

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Thank you @saki-otsuki . There are different ways to implement a biometric wallet. There is at least 2 dimensions: access control or key binding, local or multi-party.
I suggest to make an analogy with some of the models in ISO/IEC 24745:2022 to be sure we cover most of the possibilities (I am not saying that the 2 introduced in your slides are not good, but better to cover more).

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Thank you @JBringer . Sorry for the delay in responding due to the long holiday.
I am not sure if I understood your comment correctly.
There were several possible interpretations of the “local or multi-party” axis, but I took it as “where comparison or signature generation is performed” and classified biometric-wallet in this way, following ISO/IEC 24745:2022 Table 8.
If you have any feedback or suggestions, please comment.

Hi all,

@nat I’m feeling quite unwell this afternoon and am unable to run the working group call today, @ts1433

I have invited a zk researcher working on this project I invited to introduce during the meeting for today this is their current focus: White Paper | Sentinel Docs.

I’d like to propose the following working group call on the to have a guest from Railgun (privacy pools project) I met someone from the project last week. I suggest we have a focus on accountable wallets and privacy pools on the 23rd of May meeting 10.6.

@Mitchell , sorry to hear that you are unwell. Please have a good rest.

Hi @nat @ts1433

I have a confict tomorrow during the working group call, unfortunately, I will be attending a graduation ceremony for my partner.

Sorry about this - It’s not ideal to miss two calls in a row. I’m feeling better again and arrived in London a couple of days ago, settling in now.

To update on the Railgun collaboration opportunity, I’m awaiting response from a key contributor if they are available to join the WG, and will follow up tomorrow.

I’ve also received interest from Verida to explore the accountable wallet paper and research as they have just launched their mainnet, so will be sure to sync on on all of these aspects next wg call.

Good to hear that you are feeling better now.

It seems it is now my turn … I had to cancel a few meetings today as I am not feeling well and resting as much as possible…

If I do not recover well enough, we might need to cancel the call…

That’s no good, I hope you a speedy recovery.

We can perhaps skip this week. If @ts1433 can inform participants, I’ll send him a note.

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sorry I saw the messages just now. Let’s cancel today’s meeting.