[Regular Call] Ops-WG Call #14 (11 AM UTC | August 13 2024)


@JBringer thank you for your comments!

  • How to incentivize main discussants to join

  • Runsheet for each workshop at Block#11

Hi, I can not read the election requirements document on “e.com” from both via corporate network and via Internet directly. Is there any other way to access?

P.S. I would not be able to join the call for the time being.

I cannot access the doc, too. @ts1433 can you fix it?

Can you all see this?

I’m waiting host to start the call.

Now the Zoom call is up.

Yes I can access now

It seems like most of us are not available today, so let us reschedule the meeting to 12 pm UST on August 15th. I changed the calender invite.


  • London Regtech Event (scheduled the week before Block11):

  • U.S. government employees weren’t allowed to participate because the event isn’t U.S.-based. Consider bringing Regtech discussions into Block11 to encourage U.S. government employees’ participation.

  • Block11 Session Content Description:

  • Need a brief description of Block11 session content to craft an email encouraging DC-based individuals to participate.

  • Deadline: by Friday’s meeting (Takaya to handle).

Other Discussion Topics:

  • Ticket Charges for Main Discussants:

  • It’s too early to ask main discussants to purchase tickets after requesting their participation.

  • Distribute tickets provided by sponsors to members of other organizations.

  • Consider ticket charges for main discussants in the long term, but first research if standardization organizations charged for tickets during their early days.

  • Communication Tools:

  • Discourse:

  • Maintain as a platform to trace BGIN’s history in the long term.

  • No need to allocate many resources to promoting engagement on Discourse right now.

  • Continue using Telegram while recording necessary content on Discourse and Newsletter.

  • Newsletter for Constant Engagement:

  • An email chain might be more effective for encouraging ongoing engagement with BGIN.

  • Periodically send out minimum information (e.g., working group agendas, event schedules) as a newsletter to previous Block participants.

  • Consider using Mailchimp for this (service details to be checked by Takaya).

  • Content for the Newsletter:

  • We can contribute ideas for the content or maybe discuss in the Steering Committee?

  • Assisting with social media or newsletter operations is too much; a dedicated marketing associate to manage everything is necessary.