Request for Public Comments on ZKP study report #1

Hi everyone on IKP-WG. @leonahioki editted the draft of ZKP study report #1.

So, now we’d like to open Public Comments until 11/18.
After that discussion and revision, we’re going to introduce this paper on BGIN Block9 at Sydney Day3 (11/21).


This paper introduces about ZKP technology and some use cases in the real world (especially in Web3 industry). The main object is to understand the current problems around Privacy and Security, and how ZKP solves them, and discuss if you can apply this to fintech problems.

Process of Public Comments

  1. Please read this doc
  2. Leave any comments/feedbacks here in reply.

Thanks. Is it ok to adjust the formatting to conform to the BGIN style?

@nat -san, thanks for your comment. Yes, sure. Can you provide the template, or format by yourself?

I do not have the most current one, but I can get started with.

FYI, this is the drafting guidance: Tentative guidance on the creation of the BGIN document - Google Docs

Actually, I created the copy of the doc and applied the changes. It now looks like conforming to BGIN template.