About Operations Working Group (Ops-WG)

Ops-WG is dedicated to providing the structural support needed to facilitate the organization’s activities effectively.

About BGIN Operations Working Group (Ops-WG)

This working group is established to streamline the operations across BGIN’s multiple working groups, the Ops-WG is tasked with a critical operational mandate that spans efficiency enhancement, operational management, and resource allocation. This group plays a foundational role in enabling both the broader BGIN organization and its constituent working groups to fulfil their missions effectively and support document creation.

During Block#10 Tokyo, Japan it was decided unanimously present BGIN core members of Day 4 Block #10 in Tokyo, Japan to establish Operations Working Group (Ops-WG). A new working group auxiliary in function to existing working groups (FASE; IKP), by default working groups are focused on researching, studying and producing documentation that furthers public goods knowledge on a broadly specific topic.

It was deemed necessary to formalise the Ops-WG to manage BGINs operational requirements, including the core documentation, legal structure, administrative oversight and operational procedures. All activities of Ops-WG are purposed to optimise and enable BGIN at all levels, from exploring new external-collaboration models to oversight of BGINs (BN) legal structure, and to internal operational processes and tooling to membership lifecycle management.

Amanda Wick - @Amanda_Wick | amanda@incite.ventures
Joseph Beverley - @JoeyNB_COS | Joey@soulbis.com
Takaya Sugino - @ts1433 | ts1433@georgetown.edu

Who Can Join?
Ops-WG is an open forum, hosting fortnightly working group meeting and managing new operational/strategy initiatives. We encourage any individual interested in enhancing BGIN’s own governance to join Ops-WG.

Joining offers a chance to influence the governance and operational elements of BGIN, including coordination, processes, tooling and governance policies.

Working Group Meeting Details