We currently have a technical issue and I don’t have access to the calendar invite I sent with the BGIN email, so please give us time to send you the invite sorry…
Sorry for being late in sharing the meeting memo @KenKatayama It’s a weekly meeting at 11 AM EST Tuesday
- Takaya showed the beta ver
- Make sure we have links to Google Drive, Discourse, and Newsletter subscription (Takaya)
- Check if Mailchimp has a function that automates social media posts (Takaya)
- Consider using other tools for social media posts (Takaya)
・Google Workspace
- Migrate documents from Mitchell’s and Takaya’s drive to the shared drive (Mitchell and Takaya)
・Steering Committee Member Election
- Please nominate yourself!!
- Reach out to some Ethereum community members (Prof Matsuo)
- Update and share the draft (Takaya)
- starting a newsletter to promote workshops and invite potential speakers (Takaya)
- tag people in comments to increase engagement on social media (Takaya)
・Layer2 Meetup@Tokyo
- craft the agenda draft for the Wallet Governance session (Takaya / Mitchell → IKP)
- Consider holding it in conjunction with Paris Blockchain Week
- The location should be considered well - learning from the Taxbit event